A tábor szomszédságában – Nemzetközi szeminárium (2012. június 18–23.)

In the Neighborhood of the Camp – International seminar

It was in Kistarcsa where the largest internment camp of Hungary was operated during the Stalinist era. Many people have spent there short or long time – involuntarily. There is hardly anyone in Hungary who has no connection to this infamous institution, through his or her relatives or friends. Local residents did not know too much about the world in the facility surrounded by massive walls. Those who had some information did not dare to spread it. During those years everyone was intimidated and threatened. It did not take too much to get involved… By now these fears are gone, but we should not forget about the terrible years. In the frame of an international seminar we paid tribute and commemorate the innocent people who were imprisoned here.


Date: 18–23 June 2012

Place: Mater Salvatoris Retreat and Conference Centre

Venue: Gödöllő-Máriabesnyő

Organiser: Kistarcsa Cultural Association

Participant countries: Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Spain, Slovakia

Web: neighborhoodofthecamp.eu



Együtt Európában – Nemzetközi szeminárium (2012. június 18–23.)

Together in Europe – International seminar


Date: 19–24 October 2009

Place: Mater Salvatoris Retreat and Conference Centre

Town: Gödöllő-Máriabesnyő

Organiser: Kistarcsa Cultural Association

Participants: Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Romania, Slovakia

Web: togetherineurope.eu



Európai Etnikai Kisebbségek – Nemzetközi szeminárium (2005. október 31. – november 5.)

European Ethnic Minorities – International seminar


Date: 31 October – 5 November 2005

Place: Kistarcsa

Organiser: Kistarcsa Cultural Association



Bővülő Európa: Az ifjúság a nonprofit menedzsmentben – Nemzetközi szeminárium (2003. október 20–25.)

Enlarging Europe: The Youth in the Nonprofit Management – International seminar


Date: 20–25 October 2003

Place: Kistarcsa

Organiser: Kistarcsa Cultural Association



Kreatív Európa: Az ifjúság szerepe a civil Európában – Nemzetközi szeminárium (2002. augusztus 19–24.)

Creative Europe: The Role of Youth in the Civil Europe – International seminar


Date: 19–24 August 2002

Place: Kistarcsa

Organiser: Kistarcsa Cultural Association



Színes Európa: Az ifjúság szerepe és lehetőségei Európában – Nemzetközi szeminárium (2001. október 22–27.)

Colourful Europe: Role and Facilities of Youth in Europe – International seminar


Date: 22–27 October 2001

Place: Kistarcsa

Organiser: Kistarcsa Cultural Association